RS485 interface (MODBUS or Omnicomm protocol)


Fuel level sensor "STRELA" with digital RS485 interface is used for connect the devices with RS485 interface (MODBUS or Omnicomm data transfer protocol).

Depending on your GPS-tracker parameters you can connect 2 and more "STRELA" RS485 sensors to it.

The sensors can be used in tanks of vehicles, tractors and other machinery whith nominal on-board network voltage 12 or 24V.

Protocol parameters: up to 19200 bit per second, 8 bit, 1 stop bit. Resolution - up to 65535 points per length. 

Sensor is customizable and can be connected to PC or laptop to make settings using Universal service adapter (USA 2.2).

You can configure the following parametres using our configuration software:

  1. Change the ID of sensor;
  2. Make sensors calibration for full and empty tubes;
  3. Turn on/of the thermal compensation;
  4. Change the average type and interval;
  5. Change the output value;
  6. Turn on/off the output data transmission;
  7. If it's required make the tank calibration table and set it into sensors memory;
  8. Turn on/off the network mode if you want to connect 2 or more sensors to 1 GPS-tracker etc.
                                                                                                        STRELA D485
 Fuel volume 0% 0
 Fuel volume 100% can be set
 Supply voltage, V 10-30
 Maximum load curent, mA 50
 Precision of level measurements, % from length ±0.1
 Limits of additional conventional error, % no more as 1.0
 Self-testing codes  yes
 Operational temperature ,°С -40 - +65
 Mean time to failure no less as 12500 hr
 Ingress protection rating  IP66
 Consumed power, W <0.2
 Overall dimensions, mm L x 70 x 70
 Continuous work time not limited

All RS485 sensors must be calibrated before installation !!!

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